"impeccable Swedish accents, coached by Joel Goldes."  -- BACKSTAGE WEST, 'O PIONEERS!'

Joel was asked to help Chef Gordon Ramsay assume a new accent for an undercover assignment on the fifth episode of his new series, The F-Word.

I was interviewed by KGO-Radio's Brian Copeland on Theater Row about coaching Broadway's hit musical, Come From Away, how I started coaching and other projects.

I had an in-depth interview, with KFI AM 640's Mo' Kelly on all aspects of my career as a dialect coach, including coaching more than a dozen accents for Come From Away on Broadway (now nominated for 7 Tony Awards, including Best Musical) and 24:Legacy for Fox Television.  Click here to listen (Let page load; player will appear on page.)

Contact Me

My past acting and directing experience uniquely qualifies me as a dialect coach: not only can I guide you in the subtleties of a new accent, I can also help you explore sound possibilities within the character's given circumstances.

I look forward to working with you.

Click here to contact me.

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